I can’t restart Vertica database


I have database in Vertica on 4 nodes (RedHat OS). It was working until I decided to restart my DB. After nodes were shut down, they can't be UP anymore.

I try to start DB via adminTools: nodes are starting to initialize, but then they shut down. Using last good epoch or admintools -t start_db with --force key don't help.

In logs (dbLog, vertica.log) I see only one type of error:

SP_connect: unable to connect via UNIX socket  to /tmp/4803 (pid=12533):
Error: Connection Refused.

It is enough space in /tmp and iptables service is disabled.

Also I tried to create new database, so it was created and worked well.

Best Answer

kill all processes from Vertica :

ps -ef | grep vertica

This is avaialbe on all nodes.

Then start your database without the force option

admintools  -t  restart_node  --hosts= --database=--password= 

While starting the database make sure you tail the logs to capture the errors.

to get more solutions and Vertica fixes see this link