How to select from table by comparing multiple rows with same key


I have below table KEY_STATUS.

|| KEY || STATUS   ||
| 0001 | FAILED    |
| 0001 | COMPLETED |
| 0002 | FAILED    |
| 0003 | COMPLETED |
| 0002 | FAILED    |
| 0004 | STARTED    |

I would like to select keys with only FAILED state. That means I will have to exclude 0001 as it has both FAILED and COMPLETED, also exclude 0003 as it has COMPLETED state.
Output should be

|| KEY || STATUS ||
| 0002 | FAILED  |

What approach should I take in Oracle to achieve above?

Best Answer

Assuming only two possible values for status , eliminate all keys that has more than one row and filter for failed status

FROM key_status
  AND key <>
    (SELECT key
     FROM key_status
     --WHERE status IN('COMPLETED','FAILED') 
     GROUP BY key
     HAVING COUNT(key) >1)