Informix – How to Rename an Index Using Numbering


I am currently facing issue of renaming an index to a number.

I have tried the below:

RENAME INDEX 584_1973_tmp TO '584_1973';
RENAME INDEX 584_1973_tmp TO ' 584_1973';
RENAME INDEX 584_1973_tmp TO "584_1973";
RENAME INDEX 584_1973_tmp TO " 584_1973";

None of the above seems to work. Is it possible to rename an index to a number within Informix?

Best Answer

I realized that once you rename an index like the below:

RENAME INDEX 584_1973 TO 584_1973_tmp;

You cannot revert, you will need to drop and recreate. If it is a unique index constraint, then it will auto recreate with the original numbering after dropped.