How to preserve key when joining to a preference table in Oracle


I have a table of customers, and a table of customer preferences, where:

create table customer (
  customerId number,
  name varchar2(200),
  primary key (customerId)

create table pref (
  preftype number,
  customerId number,
  prefval varchar2(200),
  primary key (preftype, customerId)

So basically the pref table records the customer's preference based on each preference type. customerId is unique for each preftype.

Theoretically the following join should not lose the key-preserved property, but I am getting "ORA-01445: cannot select ROWID from, or sample, a join view without a key-preserved table." Anyway I can rewrite the query to maintain the key-preservedness?

select rowid, vi.* from (
  select c.customerId,, p.prefval
  from customer c, (select * from pref where preftype = 1) p
  where c.customerId = p.customerId (+)
) vi;

Restrictions / requirements:

In our case a query engine is building that outer query (the one with rowid) around the inner query, so we don't have as much control.

We'd like to have a query that can be wrapped around with something like:

select rowid, v.*
    -- query
    ) v ;

Best Answer

No, it is not. It is not guaranteed (well, it is, with preftype=1, but that is in the subquery, and that is not good enough for the optimizer) that your query returns at most 1 row for each key value from the base table. You need a unique constraint on customerid to make this work:

select rowid, vi.* from (
  select c.customerId,, p.prefval
  from customer c, (select * from pref where preftype = 1) p
  where c.customerId = p.customerId (+)
) vi;

ERROR at line 3:
ORA-01445: cannot select ROWID from, or sample, a join view without a
key-preserved table

alter table pref add unique(customerid);

Table altered.

select rowid, vi.* from (
  select c.customerId,, p.prefval
  from customer c, (select * from pref where preftype = 1) p
  where c.customerId = p.customerId (+)
) vi;

no rows selected

This however may not be feasible for you, as a customer can have multiple different preftypes with your original design.

This works without the unique constraint (but not the same result):

alter table pref drop unique(customerid);

Table altered.

select rowid, vi.* from (
  select c.customerId,, p.prefval
  from customer c, pref p
  where c.customerId = p.customerId (+)
  and p.preftype = 1
  ) vi;

no rows selected

Or be more specific with the rowid:

select vi.* from (
  select c.rowid as c_rowid, c.customerId,, p.prefval
  from customer c, (select * from pref where preftype = 1) p
  where c.customerId = p.customerId (+)
) vi;

no rows selected