How to Oracle use a Range Scan here


I have a Customer table, with the columns "Name", "Location" and "DateMovedIn" (amongst others), which contains c. 20,000,000 rows.

On this table, I have the index I_LOC_NAME_DATE, such that:

Column          Position  Descend
Location        1         ASC
Name            2         ASC
DateMovedIn     3         ASC

I'm writing a query which selects the customer's who moved into their location between two dates;

FROM   Customer 
WHERE  Customer.DateMovedIn BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date
AND    Customer.Location = :location;

From what I've read about Oracle's use of indexes, in this situation I would expect it to use a skip scan (filter by Location, and then hop betwen the names and get each move in date), but it turns out it uses a range scan.

An EXPLAIN reveals the range scan cost to be 77, and when I apply a index_ss hint as follows, the cost jumps to 401,096 (yes, really).

SELECT /*+ index_ss(Customer I_LOC_NAME_DATE) */ * 
FROM   Customer 
WHERE  Customer.DateMovedIn BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date
AND    Customer.Location = :location;

Can anyone explain how Oracle is using a range scan in this circumstance without the Name being specified?

Best Answer

You have a leading column specified in condition (Location = :location) . From here :

The optimizer uses a range scan when it finds one or more leading columns of an index specified in conditions, such as the following:
col1 = :b1