How to monitor space usage on ASM diskgroups


Last night the recovery area on one of our Oracle Database Appliances went full. This was reported in one of the database alert logs, and we were able to clear out some space before the next log switch, at which point the production would have come to a halt.

It certainly would have been nice to have a little more warning, like when the disk group was 70% full.

What options do we have for monitoring disk usage inside ASM?

Best Answer

Just use asmcmd. For example:

[oracle@oel61 ~]$ . oraenv
The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /u01/app/oracle
[oracle@oel61 ~]$ asmcmd lsdg
State    Type    Rebal  Sector  Block       AU  Total_MB  Free_MB  Req_mir_free_MB  Usable_file_MB  Offline_disks  Voting_files  Name
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576     30708    28479                0           28479              0             N  DATA/
[oracle@oel61 ~]$ 

Or get the info directly from the ASM Oracle instance:

[oracle@oel61 ~]$ . oraenv
The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /u01/app/oracle
[oracle@oel61 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Mar 7 10:44:44 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

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Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Automatic Storage Management option

SQL> SELECT name, free_mb, total_mb, free_mb/total_mb*100 as percentage 
     FROM v$asm_diskgroup;

------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
DATA                    28479      30708 92.7413052

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