How to manage constants within an Oracle Database


This question touches on a few different parts of Oracle that I'm not particularly familiar with so bear with me:

I am trying to redesign some of the procedures and functions within the database I manage. One of the most annoying things is the use of integers to express the status of rows.

For example rows that need to be processed get the number 3, rows that have been processed get the number 0 and rows that are in the middle of processing get number 1. This is a simplified example.

What I was hoping to do was code those integers into constants so when the procedures are written the words would be self-documenting…

I've tried to use packages and functions to manage these constants. Everything comes out a bit messy. The cleanest I've found is:


This allows you to type the sql below which looks relatively neat.

FROM table

The problem I've found is that these columns are indexed to return quickly but the functions mean the indexes aren't used.

With that background my question is: How should constants be managed in Oracle effectively? What solution has the best trade off for visual simplicity, logical organisation and database performance.

Best Answer

The reason your index isn't being used is that the two following SELECT are fundamentally different to the optimizer:

SELECT rows FROM table WHERE status = PROCESSED;

SELECT rows FROM table WHERE status = 0;

In the first case the database will interpret PROCESSED as a variable, and its value, even if constant won't be learned until execution time. An index on status will be used only if status has a strong selectivity for all values (ie there are many different values). Since you have only 3 values, Oracle makes a FULL SCAN since from its point of view any of the 3 values could be used.

In the second case, an index will be used if you have statistics on this column that show that the value 0 is very selective (ie there are few rows processed). Oracle knows at compile time that this value won't change thus an index scan will always be effective.

So, if you're sure that there are few rows processed, you will have to help the optimizer, for example with an hint like /*+ FIRST_ROWS*/.

Or you could use comments in your SQL: 0 -- PROCESSED.

Also remember that FULL SCAN are not evil.