How to find vertica community edition and how to export / copy data


I have the hardest time downloading anything other than enterprise edition from It is supposed to have a community edition on but all the links just show the enterprise editions for download.

I have an older download (forgot how I got to that earlier) vertica-ce-6.0.1-0.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm which may be the latest, not sure, enterprise edition latest seems to be 6.1.0 at the time of writing.

I installed that and pushed 12 million rows to it from an older enterprise edition version using CONNECT TO VERTICA and EXPORT TO VERTICA… however when I tried to now push that data out from the community edition to another test installation that also is community edition, psql says:

ERROR 2678: Command EXPORT is not supported

Googling that brings up nothing, and the forums also have no match. Am I the first to see it really?

Whats the next efficient way to dump the data from one community edition vertica installation to another if EXPORT TO VERTICA and COPY FROM VERTICA should not be supported in the community edition?

The reason why I am looking at vertica is that it appears to respond much faster than mysql when there are more than a billion rows in the table, i.e. the result set of a query comes in within 30 seconds instead of 5 minutes on identical hardware.

Best Answer

HP Vertica has their community edition for download at If you don't have one already, you will be prompted to create a MyVertica login. If you have problems creating a login, please email me at If you have further issues loading your data, you can tweet at @VerticaHelp and support will follow up with you.