How to find the latest SQL statements within the database


I like to get the latest executed statements within my database, along with performance indicators.

As such, I like to know, which SQL statements were most CPU/DISK intensive.

Best Answer

Here is the SQL to do the job. Open for trial.

Step 1: Determine the installatin IDs & user IDs.

SELECT inst_id,sid FROM gv$session WHERE username='<ENTER-USERNAME>';

Step 2:

 FROM gv$session s    
    , gv$sql sq
  AND s.inst_id = :inst_id -- replace with instID from above
  AND s.sid = :sid -- replace with ID from above
  AND sq.inst_id = s.inst_id

There might be multiple Ids & instance Ids returned. So it's up to a users' choice on how to use this data in a web interface etc.