How to find the backup that requires the least amount of archivelogs to restore


Oracle with daily full backup and hourly archivelog backup. RMAN with a catalog.

If I take a backup at 11pm at night and it finishes 5am the next day and I want to restore a backup to a different system, how can I identify either a time for 'set until' or an SCN that will require the least amount of archivelogs to be replayed? 11pm? After 5am? RMAN is my least understood part of the database.

Best Answer

I have a weekly script that automates a duplicate from prod backup. WHen I inherited it, it did a duplicate until time and was highly dependent on jobs completing on schedule so it could assume a good 'until time'. I modified it to get a good scn and so duplicate 'until scn'. I get the scn with this snippet of code querying the rman catalog, in a shell script. If you are on windows, you'll need to adjust scripting technique, but principle is the same:

    # 2. Get the scn from the most recent archlog backup


rcvryscn=$(sqlplus -s rman/pwd@rmcat <<EOF

set echo off feedback off verify off trimsp on head off

col maxscn for 9999999999999999

select max(first_change#) maxscn

from rc_backup_archivelog_details a

join rc_database d on a.db_key=d.db_key

where d.dbid=$dwprdid;

