How to find out which tables use reference partitioning from the Oracle data dictionary


I'm writing a generic drop-all-objects script for our Oracle databases. It generates drop table TABLE_NAME cascade constraints purge lines for all tables, amongst other object types, by looping through user_objects.

The problem is that tables which are have reference-partitioned tables dependent on them can't be dropped in this way: ORA-14656: cannot drop the parent of a reference-partitioned table.

How can I detect which tables are the parents of reference partitioned tables from the data dictionary, so I can skip them in the first loop, and drop them in a second loop?

Best Answer

To get a list of partitioned tables that have at least one referencing partitioned child table the [dba][all][user]_part_tables and [dba][all][user]_constrains data dictionary views, depending on the privileges granted, can be queried:

create table tb_part_parent(
  col  number primary key,
  col2 number
partition by range (col2) (
  partition part_1 values less than (100),
  partition part_2 values less than (300),
  partition part_3 values less than (500)

create table tb_part_child(
  col  number not null,
  col2 number,
  constraint fk_parent_1 foreign key(col) references tb_part_parent(col)
)partition by reference (fk_parent_1)

The query:

select t.table_name
  from user_constraints t
 where t.constraint_name in ( select w.r_constraint_name
                                from user_constraints w
                                join user_part_tables q
                                  on (q.table_name = w.table_name and
                                      q.ref_ptn_constraint_name = w.constraint_name)

