How to failover in log shipping


I am reading the book 'Pro SQL Server 2019 Administration' from Carter, where in the Log shipping section he mentions:

"Unlike other high availability and disaster recovery technologies, an
amount of administrative effort is associated with failing over log
shipping. To fail over log shipping, you must back up the tail end of
the transaction log, and copy it, along with any other uncopied backup
files, to the secondary server."

He previously specified that log shipping is mostly used in DR scenarios… My question is, if DR hit the primary data center, how is one supposed to "up the tail end of the transaction log, and copy it, along with any other uncopied backup files"?!

If DR hits, and we have set up log shipping, my guess is that we are only left with whatever the secondary replicas have… That is, if I am able to 'backup the tail' then the server must be up and running…

Best Answer

I suspect he's talking about doing the failover manually.

If, as you say, your Data Centre gets totalled, then you're not going to be able to get anything back from your old, Primary server. It's toast.

That's probably why he leads with:

Unlike other high availability and disaster recovery technologies ...

These other technologies ship logs around much faster so that there's no "trailing edge" to worry about.