How to execute an Oracle SQL script without sqlplus hanging on me


For an automated task I would very much like to run some SQL scripts and make sure that sqlplus does not hang under any circumstancees, i.e.:

  • If the script contains any named substitution variable that has to be entered by the user, sqlplus should return with an error instead of prompting for the variable — I cannot use set define off, as some of these scripts need to accept command line parameters that have to be resolved with &1
  • The script must not "hang" when it doesn't contain an exit; at the end.

    Solved: I think now that I can achieve this by wrapping the sql-script in a secondary "caller script". I.e., the caller script calls the other script with @ and then has a fixed exit; after that. The other script doesn't need an exit that way.

  • Anything else: If it would require a prompt, it should return with an error.

How can i do this with Oracle (and sqlplus or something else)?

Best Answer

You could execute each script using a separate call to SQLPlus and have them run in the background.

If you just need to remove errant parameters you could search for them in the scripts and not run those scripts that contain un-supplied parameters.