Oracle SQLPlus – How to Erase with Backspace


Using SQL*PLUS, I cannot use the backspace button to erase content during a line command.

When I hit backspace, instead of erasing it writes ^H

Is there a way to configure backspace so it works as intended ?

Best Answer

If you're using Linux/Unix, there's a way of making SQL*Plus loads friendlier on the command line - use rlwrap. It adds readline support to SQLPlus, allowing you to use the cursor keys to navigate to previous queries (it retains a history), and edit them when you've made a mistake.

Launch SQL*Plus with rlwrap -i sqlplus or add alias sqlplus="rlwrap -i sqlplus" to your shell dot file (.bashrc/.cshrc/etc).

To install rlwrap on RHEL 5.0 use the following commands:

rpm -Uvh epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
yum install rlwrap
rlwrap –i sqlplus