Oracle – How to Disable All Password Requirements


When I try to create a new database using DBCA it stops me because my password isn't complex enough. I am working with Oracle in a VirtualBox VM on my own laptop, so I don't need the password complexity restrictions Oracle imposes out of the box. Personally I don't care if my passwords in this environment are "password" or even a space. Unfortunately I can't seem to find a straightforward answer on how to simply disable password checks. What command do I need to run / switch do I need to flip to turn it off?

I'm on a Windows laptop with Windows 2012 in the VM if that is relevant. Thanks for any tips.

Best Answer

In DBCA, It will mark the password weakness as an error, push through with the "NEXT" button.

You will be warned again in a pop up box that you are making a serious mistake and are you sure that you want to continue.

Answer "Yes".

It should move on from there.

It's the same pretty much everywhere.

DBCA: enter image description here

Grid Infrastructure: enter image description here