How to design a graph database in this scenario


here is my scenario. I have a pre-defined data type structure for books. Just take it as an example for the sake of simplicity. The structure looks like the image below. It's a Labeled Property Graph and the information is self-explained. This data type structure is fixed, I cannot change it. I just use it.

DTR Example

When there is 1 book, let's call it Harry Potter, in the system, it might look like below:

DTR 1 book

So, the book has its own property (ID, Name,…) and also contains a field type MandatoryData. By looking at this graph, we can know all information about the book.

The problem happens when I have 2 books in the system, which looks like this:

DTR 2 Books

In this case, there is another book called Graph DB, with those information as highlighted.

The problem of this design is: we don't know which information belong to which book. For example, we cannot distinguish the publishedYear anymore.

My question is: how to solve or avoid this problem? Should I create 1 MandatoryData for each book? Could you propose me any design?

I'm using Neo4j and Cypher. Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

Should I create 1 MandatoryData for each book?


If you cannot get rid of MandatoryData object, you should have one such object per book.

Otherwise I would simplify the model and move any mandatory attributes to the Book object, which will reduce ne04j database size. Modeling relationships which are always 1:1 is possible, but not optimal. You can improve query performance by keeping the data in one object.