How to design a database to store quotes online


I have a form to generate quotes online. The form has many products with their respective prices and options.

The users will generate the quote online and I need to store the quotes of the users when they submit the form.

My question is how I do a design a database to store this information?

This is an example of my form:

Description        amount        price x un      total
product1             1             15000         15000
product 2            3             10000         30000
Total                                            45000

I have thought the next options:

id_quote        descriptions          total
1              product1 1 15000       45000
               product2 3 45000      

Other option is by date:

id    date                      description     amount         price          total
1    15/03/2012 3_45:45         product 1       1             15000          45000
2    15/03/2012 3_45:45         product 2       3             10000          30000

Best Answer

Your second option is better, though I'm confused: is that a Quotes table? If so, are those two records the same quote or different quotes? Also, there's no need to store total, you can calculate that when you need it. I'd generally say that calculated values should only be stored if the calculations are very complex and long-running.

Here's a simple table structure for the quotes that might help get you started:

  quote_id (primary key)
  client_id - so you know who the quote belongs to.
  date - when the quote was generated

  quote_item_id (primary key)
  quote_id (foreign key to
  product_id (foreign key to you products)
  single_item_cost  (copy from products so that if the product price changes the quote won't change)
  quantity (multiply by single_item_cost to get total cost for this quote_item)