How to create a database user for oracle 11g on windows 8


I am new to oracle database and therefore is trying to follow the office guide. (link to the guide) However, it seems that the guide is for Windows 7, so in step 2 – creating database user, it says:

  1. Display the SQL command prompt window. For example, on Windows, click Start, then Programs (or All Programs), then Oracle Database 11g
    Express Edition, and then Run SQL Command Line.

And in windows 8, there is not start button. I try to search the menu using keyword oracle but nothing with similar name is found. I tried to go to the Program Files directly but also no similar file found. So, how should I create a database user on Windows 8?

Best Answer

In Windows 8 use shortcut to start command line option (Windows Key+R). It will open "Run" terminal. Then type keyword "cmd". It will start your command line then type "sqlplus" it will start sqlplus for interacting with your Oracle database. Use your SYS user with login credential for entering in sqlplus. After login into sqlplus, create your user using commands.