How to create a an insert trigger on


How to write an insert trigger for:

"If the client wants to pay by using a credit card, its details need to be entered in the record. If a credit card is not being used it must be ensured that the credit card details are blank."

create table  Management.PaymentMethods
    PaymentMethodID int CONSTRAINT PMID PRIMARY KEY identity(1000,24),
    Description varchar(22) constraint chkTitle check 
        (Description in ('cash','cheque','credit card'))

Create table Management.Payments
    PaymentID int CONSTRAINT PKIDD PRIMARY KEY identity(100,45),
    EventID int constraint EVId 
        foreign key(EventID) references Management.Events(EventID),
    PaymentDate date not null,
    StartDate date not null,
    CONSTRAINT PDK  CHECK (PaymentDate <= StartDate),
    check(PaymentDate > Getdate()),
    PaymentMethodID int constraint Phg 
        foreign key(PaymentMethodID) references Management.PaymentMethods(PaymentMethodID),
    CreditCardDetails varchar(100),
    ExpiryDate date constraint PD check(ExpiryDate > Getdate()),
    ChequeNo int,
    ChargePerPerson int constraint chkk check(ChargePerPerson > 0),
    NoOfPeople int not null,
    PaymentAmount as ChargePerPerson * NoOfPeople

Best Answer

I assume SQL Server because of the getdate(). It would be something similar to

CREATE TRIGGER Management.PaymentsCreditCard
               ON Management.Payments
               AFTER INSERT,
  UPDATE Management.Payments
         SET CreditCardDetails = NULL
         FROM inserted
              INNER JOIN Management.PaymentMethods
                         ON PaymentMethods.PaymentMethodID = inserted.PaymentMethodID
         WHERE Payments.PaymentID = inserted.PaymentID
               AND PaymentMethods.Description = 'credit card';

. (Just to give you the idea. I haven't tested it, it might need some adaption.)