How to check which background process are running in the oracle database


To check all background process in oracle we can see using v$bgprocess view. I want to check which background process are active. Can anybody please help ?


Best Answer

17:31:15 SYSTEM@sandbox> ed
Wrote file S:\spool\sandbox\BUFFER_SYSTEM_34.sql

  1  select sid,  process, program
  2    from v$session s join v$bgprocess using (paddr)
  3   where s.status = 'ACTIVE'
  4*    and rownum < 5
17:31:21   5  /

       SID PROCESS                  PROGRAM
---------- ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
         2 1332                     ORACLE.EXE (PMON)
         3 480                      ORACLE.EXE (PSP0)
         4 976                      ORACLE.EXE (VKTM)
         5 992                      ORACLE.EXE (GEN0)

Elapsed: 00:00:00.05

However, this doesn't make much sense as they're always stated as active, so I guess you should define what you mean saying active.