Oracle 11g R2 – How to Change Password in Physical Standby Database


Hi I am new to Oracle 11g, I have a physical standby database and a primary database of Oracle 11g on two different servers.

I have changed the passwords of users(schemas)like sys, sysman, system, users,etc. in primary database by using command :

"SQL>alter user username identified by password"

and the passwords have been successfully changed, but when I am trying the same thing with physical standby database , its creating oracle error
ORA-16000: database open for read-only access

And I don't want to change the physical standby database to primary i.e. cannot change it to open read – write mode .

Kindly provide some solution.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

You do realize the standby is a "physical" copy of the primary (read-only in this case)? If you change the password in the primary, the changes will be propagated to the standby also. You can not change such things in a physical standby independently.