How to add versioning to this CMS I’m designing


Database design

As you can see, my CMS consists of several widgets (for example an Articles widget), of which you can create several instances, which I call blocks, and those blocks are linked to pages and the containers on those pages. The actual data for a block (e.g. an article instance) is stored in other tables which are not shown here. Containers are set up in a tree-form and every page links to a parent-container and therefore has that container and all of its children. I made it this way, because I'd like to make it very very modular. A bit like Concrete5.

Now I'd like to add versioning to this, so that people can get an old version of their page back if they messed it up. But I have absolutely no idea how to go about it. I've tried to Google for versioning tutorials, but I couldn't find any. Right now the only way I can imagine to do it, would be to make snapshots of pages with all of their associated containers, blocks and widgets and save that as a serialized php-array in a blob in my database. But that just seems like a horrible way to do it.

Best Answer

The standard way is to use a History Table pattern.

If you have a table like this:

create table foo (
  int foo_id primary key,
  name varchar(x) not null

You would have a corresponding table

create table foo_history (
  int foo_id,
  int version,
  name varchar(x),
  inserted_at timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
  operation_code char(1) not null, -- D=deleted, U=updated [, I=inserted]
  by_username varchar(x) not null,

  primary key (foo_id, version)

The data in this table would be filled by triggers on foo.

If you use Java, you could use Hibernate Envers to automate this for you.