Oracle – Add Up Column Based on Another Column’s Data


I have a table which has results and a table that has band_name and band_id.

Now I need to create a query which will add up the total points for each band and display the band name and ID, so far I have

  SUM(placing.points) AS sumpoints,
FROM placing, band
GROUP BY band.band_id
ORDER BY SUM(placing.points) DESC

The results end up giving me each unique band_id but the total of all the points on all bands as oppose to the bands points.

Best Answer

The problem is that you are not joining your two tables based on band_id, as a result you are creating a Cartesian product. When you create this cartesian product, you are combining each row from your placing table to each row in the band table.

For example, if you have data similar to the following:

create table band
  band_id number

insert into band values (1);
insert into band values (2);
insert into band values (3);
insert into band values (4);
insert into band values (5);

create table placing
  band_id number,
  points number

insert into placing values (1, 10);
insert into placing values (1, 2);
insert into placing values (2, 1);
insert into placing values (3, 3);
insert into placing values (3, 89);
insert into placing values (4, 45);
insert into placing values (5, 63);

And you query the data without a join on the band_id column:

FROM placing, band;

You are generating data similar to:

|     10 |       1 |
|      2 |       1 |
|      1 |       1 |
|      3 |       1 |
|     89 |       1 |
|     45 |       1 |
|     63 |       1 |

See Demo. As you can see band_id = 1 now has every single point value from the placing table even though your really only have points = 10 and points=2.

In order to get the correct result, you need to JOIN the two tables on the band_id column. Your query will be similar to the following:

  SUM(p.points) AS sumpoints,
FROM placing p
  on p.band_id = b.band_id
GROUP BY b.band_id
ORDER BY SUM(p.points) DESC;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. This will give a result of:

|        92 |       3 |
|        63 |       5 |
|        45 |       4 |
|        12 |       1 |
|         1 |       2 |