How to access oracle PDB remotely


I have create oracle 12c instance with 2 PDBs, I am able to connect to CDB from python using cx_Oracle module but not sure how to connect to PDB.

Best Answer

My environment (18c XE docker):

sqlplus "sys/oracle@localhost:1521/XE as sysdba"
sys@XE> show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         2 PDB$SEED                       READ ONLY  NO
         3 XEPDB1                         READ WRITE NO
         4 XEPDB2                         MOUNTED

You will find the corresponding SERVICE_NAME for PDBS by:

sys@XE> select service_id,name,pdb,con_id from cdb_services order by con_id;

SERVICE_ID NAME                                     PDB                      CON_ID
---------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------
         1 SYS$BACKGROUND                           CDB$ROOT                      1
         4 xe                                       CDB$ROOT                      1
         3 xeXDB                                    CDB$ROOT                      1
         2 SYS$USERS                                CDB$ROOT                      1
         8 XEPDB1                                   XEPDB1                        3

5 rows selected.

You may define the SERVICE_NAME the way you want for your PDB. It is a good practice to name your database service. You can also configure your database to expose multiple SERVICE_NAMEs for the same database. For example at a TV station you have multiple channels. Their content is different so they go into separate schemas (CNN_NATIONAL, CNN_INTERNATIONAL).

sqlplus user/pass@something/CNN_NATIONAL
sqlplus user/pass@something/CNN_INTERNATIONAL

The point is you only need ONE Oracle Database to serve multiple applications separated by schemas. Now that we have containers we can have even better isolation/separation.

sys@XE> @g XEPDB1

sys:XEPDB1@XE> exec dbms_service.CREATE_SERVICE('cnn_int_prod','');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.                                   
Elapsed: 00:00:00.05             
sys:XEPDB1@XE> exec dbms_service.start_service('cnn_int_prod');                                                                                        

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.                                 
Elapsed: 00:00:00.02                                                    

sys:XEPDB1@XE> select service_id,name,network_name,pdb,con_id from cdb_services order by con_id;

SERVICE_ID NAME                           NETWORK_NAME                   PDB                      CON_ID
---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------- ----------
         8 XEPDB1                         XEPDB1                         XEPDB1                        3
         1 SERVEMEWELL                   XEPDB1                        3
         2 cnn_int_prod                    XEPDB1                        3

3 rows selected.

sqlplus system/oracle@localhost:1521/

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Best of luck!