How to a database be normalized when an optional field causes denormalization


Suppose you have a warehouse full of widgets. Each widget in the warehouse is stored in a specific identifiable location within the warehouse. You might have a schema which looks like this:

Original layout

A widget may also be (optionally) located on a cart in the warehouse, which could lead to a schema like this:

Carts added to schema

However, a problem arises because a cart can also only be located in one location within the warehouse, which turns the prior schema into something like this:

Denormalized schema

Howver, this schema is denormalized and can result in anomalies, such as if the data was:

widgetID  storageLocationID  cartID
========  =================  ======
1         foo                A
2         bar                A

Although both widgets are located on the same cart, the database shows them in different locations which is not possible.

If a cart was required, it would be relatively simple to address this normalization issue by simply removing the storageLocationID from the Widgets table. However, because a cart is not required, that solution will not work.

How can this data be structured to eliminate the anomalies?

Best Answer

You can try creating something like this (please excuse the crudity of the image):

A locations table related to both storagelocations and carts, where cartid is nullable