Oracle Data Guard – How Real-Time Apply Works in Logical Standby


I am a little bit confused about real-time apply services.
I've read a documentation about the services and I still have a question.
Does archived redo logs required for logical standby or not?
I've configure logical standby and there are 3 destination for db_recovery_file dest.
1st is local storage, 2nd transmits logs on standby and the 3d is for switchover.
But still I do not purely understand how it works.
Please, clarify or give some useful links.

Best Answer

Does archived redo logs required for logical standby or not? Yes, it does.

The archived redo logs (archivelogs, commonly) contain SQL statements to apply the changes being made to the database, as well as SQL statements to undo the work if a rollback occurs later on the primary's activity.