Database Design – How DBAs Can Be More Programmer Friendly

best practicesdatabase-design

The answers and comments on the version and version of the question "What are the arguments against or for putting application logic in the database layer?" are very revealing about the divide between DBAs and programmers in some workplaces.

What could DBAs do differently to work better with programmers on issues like this?

Should we:

  • Study the tools and languages our programmers are using to understand their difficulties they face, particularly when working with well designed databases?
  • Encourage programmers to be better educated about databases and the advantages of having business logic at the database level?
  • Change the way we define interfaces to our data – such as by using more programmer friendly transactional APIs (eg for issues such as backwards compatibility)?

Best Answer

From a Programmer standpoint, I would say the thing we want most is consistent, well defined and implemented standards for how the data layer will be designed and built. I am willing to play the way you want in your sandbox, you just need to tell me what you want, and not change the rules all the time. It should be implemented the same for everyone, even superprogrammergod. If you make exceptions for him then you want me to support and change it but re-implement it the right way that doesn't work for me.

And please do not tell me not to do it that way and walk away. Work with me to show me what you want, and why your way is better. If I understand I will comply every time. When I don't get it then its harder to comply. I do not want to be a DBA. I love programming I do not want your job and if you are a good DBA then I will be your biggest fan.