Hierarchy query with 3 tables


I am not able to understand how to achieve a hierarchy accessing 3 tables. That is, I have Table1, Table2 and Table3 where:

Table1 (ID_table1, name_c, size)

Table2 (ID_table2, ID_table1, name_l, size)

Table3 (ID_table3, ID_table1, ID_table2, name_d, size)

How do I make a hierarchy with all this information? I've looked for it but only found solutions with information into a single table.

*EDIT: I edited the information in the tables because they do not express myself

Best Answer

I've never tried anything like that, but what if you UNION your three tables into one, and then do a "one-table hierarchical query" on the result of that?

WTIH alltabs as
    (Select 'T1' as src, Table1.ID, NULL AS ID_table1, NULL as ID_table2, Table1.name, Table1.size
    from Table1
    Select 'T2' as src, Table2.ID, Table2.ID_table1, NULL as ID_table2, Table2.name, Table2.size
    from Table2
    Select 'T3' as src, Table3.ID, Table3.ID_table1, Table3.ID_table2, Table3.name, Table3.size
    from Table3)
Select *
from alltabs
/*you can have an optional STARTING WITH clause here, but it's not clear from your question what that would be*/
connect by (id = id_table1 and (src = 'T1' or src = 'T2'))
        or (id = id_table2 AND (src = 'T2' or src = 'T3'))

(I'm assuming that the relationship is Table1 PARENT OF Table2 PARENT OF Table3).