Grouping and Row limit in SSRS


I want to have row limitation(for example, display only 10 rows in every page) to my table in the report. I could limit the rows with Ceiling method where I could find refer. However, I have to group based on two criteria before using row limit. One is I want to group by category by category name, after that group by based on Region. And have my row limit after that. How could I achieve this? And I want to do all of these in report level. Kindly share any insight on that matter.


Best Answer

As you said you want to do this at report level here is what i can think of:

You can try reducing the value in Height section in Interacivesize property of your report according to your needs,which is set to 11in by default and shows whatever records can fit in that much space :

enter image description here

Note: In case you have a small database and want to show all the values in 1 page itself setting the Height value to 0 will do the trick for you. Hope this helps.