Grant execute on specific type in Oracle


I have created a package and defined a type for collections as follows:

create or replace package <schema>.<package> as 

   type <type> is table of <something>;

   function <func>(
      <param> in <type>,
      return pls_integer;

I have a user that has to call this function but can't because apparently they don't have the permission to execute type collection. I could solve it by


but I am bound by security protocols that says no user has to have access to any data, schema, blueprint or object unless they certainly have to. So I want to give the user explicit grant on specific type <type>, but calling the following statement results in error:

GRANT EXECUTE TYPE ON <schema>.<package>.<type> to <user>;

Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00990: missing or invalid privilege
00990. 00000 -  "missing or invalid privilege"

Best Answer

You need to grant EXECUTE on package itself. If security is your main concern you may create a new package that has just types, but you cannot specify that a given user can access only some objects defined in package specification - either all or none.