Golden Gate realtime replication basic question


  1. I have a task to replicate unidirectional real time data from source database A to target database B. I do not need all the table from A, only few tables and few columns inside those tables. Say 10 tables and 30 columns from A go into 6 tables on database B.

Is this doable in Golden Gate (GG)? Oracle 11g source and 12c target DB version in same OS version.

  1. In addition to the above, when GG is replicating can it insert a sequence number on a column/table in database B?

Any links you can point, as how to do the above is very much appreciated?

Best Answer

Is this doable in GoldenGate(GG)?

The Map or Table parameter can be used to select Table, depending on whether to apply in Extract or in Replicat.

The Cols and ColsEXCEPT attributes of the Table parameter can be used for Columns selection.

I believe that the Oracle's official documentation is good link to create the solution.

Here are some.

Selecting Table

Selecting Columns
