Get a number nth bit value in oracle


How can I get nth bit value in oracle database?
I am currently using this query:

     (SELECT 7 val
        FROM DUAL)
SELECT CASE BITAND (a.val, POWER (2, n-1))
          WHEN 0
             THEN 0
          ELSE 1
       END nth_bit
  FROM a

Best Answer

The shortest expression you can get is:

least(bitand(a, power(2, n-1)), 1)

where you want to find the nth bit of a.

The shortest query with this expression is:

select least(bitand(a, power(2, n-1)), 1) from dual;

From what I've read the above expression also works in PL/SQL, eg:

l_bit_n := least(bitand(a, power(2, n-1)), 1);