Financial database model


I am completely new to database modelling (except for some academic knowledge from a long time ago) but for my new project I want to build a database for the following application.

I am collecting different income figures from different companies from different product categories. I calculate the aggregate of these figures and calculate some metrics such as averages and growth of the figures over the years/over product categories and over the sectors of these companies. I wanted to build a database to accomplish this and already made the following draft. It is based on a simple star model but I would like to get your input on what can be better.

Looking forward to your input! enter image description here

Best Answer

I would like to get your input on what can be better.

There is no way to judge the design of a Dimensional Data Model without an understanding of the business context and the kinds of questions it's intended to answer.

So make a list of the questions you would like to answer from the data model, providing a specific example for each type of question.

Translate each question to a SQL query against your model.

The design is good to the extent the SQL queries are simple for a human to write and understand, and for an RDBMS to execute.