Escape characters in Oracle dump


When I take a dump of a particular table which has CLOB data type, the resulting dump doesn't handle escaping of special characters.

I get ' un escaped, so insert statements won't work.

Any ways to fix it?

I'm right clicking on the query result and getting the dump.

I'm using SQL Developer and am new to Oracle.

Best Answer

As someone who spent 4 years of his life dealing with converting CLOB type data from legacy systems into Oracle, I feel your pain.

I highly recommend using an Oracle built function, such as REPLACE to go through and scrub all of the garbage characters from CLOB type fields. Additionally, remember that most systems consider a "return" to be a new line and carriage return in unison, so you might have to scrub ascii characters below 33. IIRC the new line/carriage return combo was char(10)char(13). You can easily google a list of of the "invisible" ascii characters, and hunt down the ones you want removed.