MySQL Query Performance – Equality Range Query Runs Slowly


Table event (id, source_id, start_time), 140k records
Index (source_id asc, start_time desc)

My query:

SELECT * FROM event where source_id in (4, 5, 3, 10)
order by start_time desc limit 100;

Run time ~ 2 seconds.

id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered extra
1 SIMPLE event null ALL idx_source_start_time null null null 125504 100 Using where; Using filesort

Currently, my table only has event of source_id 3, no event of source 4, 5, 10. With index (camera_id, start_time), I think that MySQL will dive into BTree and know source 4, 5, 10 have no matched records. But this query runs very slow. How can I optimize this query ?

Best Answer

If your MSQL version is at least 8.0.14 you can use VALUES to construct a list of sources_id, then use a LATERAL join to force the extraction of 100 events for each source_id and then order by start_time to get the latest 100 overall.

SELECT filtered_events.* FROM 
  (VALUES ROW(4),ROW(5),ROW(3),ROW(10)) AS sources(id)
  (SELECT * FROM event WHERE event.source_id = 
   ORDER BY source_id asc, start_time desc LIMIT 100) AS filtered_events 
ORDER BY start_time desc LIMIT 100;

The filtered_events subquery should then use your Index (source_id asc, start_time desc)