Entity Relationship Model – double one to many




A customer submits one or many leads.
A lead belongs to one customer.
A lead is a request or an inquiry.
A lead belongs to one manufacturer.
A manufacturer has one or many leads.


Only focusing on manufacturer and lead I set up the tables like below.

manufacturer            lead
--------------          ---------------
MId                     LId
name                    MId
description             date
...                     ... 

Adding customer table I add CustomerId to lead table.

manufacturer            lead                customer
--------------          ---------------     ---------------
MId                     LId                 CId
name                    MId                 phone
description             CId                 ...
...                     date   


With all three entity types, is there a benefit to have an additional linking table instead adding ManufacturerId(MId) and CustomerId(CId) as column to Lead table? Does this offend any best practice? Or should I even include two separated linking tables? Thank you for Explanation and 'further reading links'.

Best Answer

Your LEAD table is an intersection between MANUFACTURER and CUSTOMER. That is a perfectly legitimate design. Intersection tables don't have to be pure intersections. They can have other attributes in their own right (such as your date or type).