Entity Relationship Diagram – Entity depending on attribute


I have an ER-Diagram containing the entity employees. When employees have high skills they may supervise lower skilled employees. How can I model that in an ER-Diagram?

My initial approach of was to have a disjunction of high skilled and low-skilled employees. But that appears to be rather inconvenient.

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Best Answer

Here's one idea:

( empno ... not null primary key
, skilllevel ... not null

CREATE TABLE Supervising
( supervisor_empno ... not null references Employees (empno)
, empno ... not null references Employees (empno)
, primary key (supervisor_empno, empno)

If you want to guarantee the skilllevel in supervising:

( empno ... not null primary key
, skilllevel ... not null
, unique (skilllevel, empno)
, check (skillevel in ('High', 'Low'))

CREATE TABLE Supervising
( supervisor_empno ... not null 
, supervisor_skillevel ... not null
,    foreign key (supervisor_skillevel, supervisor_empno)
     references Employees (skillevel, empno)    
, empno ... not null references Employees (empno)
, empno_skillevel ... not null
,    foreign key (skillevel, empno)
     references Employees (skillevel, empno)    
, check (supervisor_skillevel = 'High')
, check (skillevel = 'Low')
, primary key (supervisor_empno, empno)