Oracle 11g R2 – Does v$sql_monitor Show All Queries?


I cannot see all queries with v$sql_monitor or gv$sql_monitor. I can see some queries, none of which have /*+ MONITOR */. I have tested a query with MONITOR and it still did not show. I thought it might just be a big explain problem, so I adjusted my session with:


select first_refresh_time, last_refresh_time, 
status, sql_text 
from v$sql_monitor 
order by last_refresh_time desc;

, but it didn't help. What I am trying to do is see query submitted via an application. The query works, so I know it is hitting the database. I simply cannot see the query in Oracle.

What am I doing wrong? I am using SQL Developer if that matters.

Best Answer

Oracle explains the V$SQL_MONITOR view in its official documentation.

Looks like it only keeps the record there for a minute or two, or until it needs the space to show the other queries.

The original answer was posted as a comment by @MguerraTorres