Does tables under schema uses multiple tablespaces other than default tablespace


I have schema A in a database and have assigned the default tablespace as myspace.

There are 20 tables that reside under this single schema and all the tables are using different tablespaces.

My question is:

Why are all tables using different tablespaces instead of the default tablespace?

Best Answer

A default tablespace is just that, a default. If you specify a different tablespace when you create a table, the table will be created in the tablespace you specified. Though it would generally not make sense to do so, you could put each table in a different tablespace so that the user owned 20 tables in 20 different tablespaces none of which were the default tablespace.

Alternately, a user's default tablespace can be changed so it is possible that the 20 tables were created without a specified tablespace but when the user's default tablespace was different. Then the user's default tablespace was changed after all the tables were created.