Does CUBRID have Information Schema Views


I am trying to access the Information Schema views as defined in SQL92, and cannot find any in the CUBRID RDBMS. Has CUBRID implemented this specification and how can I access them?

CUBRID version: CUBRID 10.1, manual:

There is something called System Catalog:, is this possibly the same, and why is it not called "information_schema" as specified in the SQL92 specification?

When querying the database for my table book i get following:

SELECT * FROM db_class WHERE class_name LIKE 'book'; 

class_name = book
owner_name = DBA
class_type = CLASS
is_system_class = NO
partitioned = NO
is_reuse_oid_class = YES
collation = iso88591_bin
comment = 

Are there no schemas in CUBRID?

        Configuration configuration = new Configuration()
                .withJdbc(new Jdbc()
                .withGenerator(new Generator()
                                .withGenerate(new Generate()
                                .withDatabase(new Database()
                                                // .withIncludes(".*")
                                                // .withExcludes("")
                                .withTarget(new Target()


I need it for code-generation with JOOQ, what catalog/schema do I have to specify?

Best Answer

Fixed it. It works only if you fully remove any schema or catalog information:

        Configuration configuration = new Configuration()
                .withJdbc(new Jdbc()
                .withGenerator(new Generator()
                                .withGenerate(new Generate()
                                .withDatabase(new Database()
                                .withTarget(new Target()


This archived manual page of the CUBRID project was also helpful: