Database Design – Do All Entities in Chen Notation Have to Be Diagrammatically Linked


Is it good design practice to visually link each entity when using Chen's notation?

Best Answer

Yes, Chen though so and explicitly calls for it his 1976, and 2002 papers. From his 1976 paper, The Entity-Relationship Model-Toward a Unified View of Data.

1976 paper

From his paper, Entity-Relationship Modeling: Historical Events, Future Trends, and Lessons Learned 2002

ER Model has Explicit Linkage between Entities. As can be seen in Figures 2 and 4, the linkage between entities is explicit in the ER model while in the relational model is implicit. In addition, the cardinality information is explicit in the ER model, and some of the cardinality information is not captured in the relational model.

Here is Figure 2,

Figure 2 from chen's paper

His contemporaries that cite him also seem to be using explicit links Hartmann, Sven. "Reasoning about participation constraints and Chen's constraints". Proceedings of the 14th Australasian database conference-Volume 17. Australian Computer Society, Inc., 2003.

Chen's ERD

Without the links, you have no relationship. It's a dangling entity.