Difference between OCCI and Instant Client package Oracle


I am a bit confused. I want to use Oracle Call Interface in C++ to interact with databases. This link: http://oradim.blogspot.co.uk/2009/07/getting-started-with-occi-windows.html says you need such packages:

  • OCCI (Visual C++9 (VS 2008)[Windows 32-bit])

  • Instant Client Package – Basic: instantclient-basic-win32-

  • Instant Client Package – SDK: instantclient-sdk-win32-

The 2nd and 3rd I have downloaded from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/winsoft-085727.html.

My question is basically: What is the number 1 (OCCI item on the list and where can I download it from? I have been looking for solution for this problem, but could not figure it out. Help appreciated. Is the first item separate from 2nd and 3rd items?

Best Answer

I googled 'occivc9win32_111060.zip' and found "OCCI Downloads - Oracle" : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/occidownloads-083553.html

Maybe you have to register for the download.