Oracle – Difference Between Archive Destination and db_recovery_file_dest


What is exact difference between Archive destination & db_recovery_file_dest on Oracle Database?

SQL> show parameter reco

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
control_file_record_keep_time        integer     7
db_recovery_file_dest                string      C:\app\Azar\fast_recovery_area
db_recovery_file_dest_size           big integer 6930M
db_unrecoverable_scn_tracking        boolean     TRUE
recovery_parallelism                 integer     0

SQL> archive log list
Database log mode              No Archive Mode
Automatic archival             Disabled
Archive destination            C:\app\Azar\Arch
Oldest online log sequence     320
Current log sequence           322

Best Answer

Archive log destination define the place where to store archived redo log files(once online redo log file is filled it can be stored as archived log files). You can have multiple archive log destinations.

In other hand, DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST specifies the default location for the fast recovery area. The fast recovery area contains multiplexed copies of current control files and online redo logs, as well as archived redo logs, flashback logs, and RMAN backups.

You can use DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST(which is default if you enable archive log mode in your database without specifying archive log destination explicitly), which is fast recovery area, to store archived redo log files or you can store them in separate locations.



  • Managing Archived Redo Log Files