Designing a database for a business context involving orders, payment methods and shipping addresses


Our group has been developing a webapp to take it live in the future. We got stuck at normalizing a few tables, as it could involve redundancy.

We have some tables that I describe as follows:

  1. shipping table: the address attributes and ID being the primary key.
  2. order table: few attributes along with address attributes and oID being the primary key.
  3. payment/card table: few attributes along with address attributes and pID being the primary key.

Is this in normalized state or do we have redundancy here?

Best Answer

So you have several tables each of which holds an address. You're wondering if these common address-related columns should be in their own table.

The typical answer is "yes" - a separate would be a good idea. There are any number of posts on this subject on this site.

If you do make a common address table will you compare user input to existing rows so you can re-use an existing address_id in one of your tables? If the answer is "no", or you don't have a plan to handle small variations in how the user spells or formats the address, then why bother?