Db2pd: Database thedb not activated on partition 0


As a user with DBADM privileges I enter

db2pd -db mydb -locks showdetail

from the DB2 CLP. The command then fails with message

Database mydb not activated on database partition 0.

Option -locks requires -db <database> or -alldbs option and active database.

I verified that the database is active:

C:\Windows\system32>db2 list active databases

                           Active Databases

Database name                              = MYDB
Applications connected currently           = 0
Database path                              = C:\DB2\NODE0000\SQL00002\

I also googled the error message and found an IBM support page for TSM which suggests my environment variable %db2instance% might not be set appropriately. However, everything appears to be in order:

C:\Windows\system32>set %db2instance%

What other reasons could there be, that db2pd is giving me the above error message?

I'm running DB2 v9.7.4 on Windows 7 Embedded.

Best Answer

db2pd requires Administrator authority on Windows, in the command shell you are executing it. Setting your ID as a member of the Administrators group on the local machine is not sufficient.

IBM adds "DB2 Command Window - Administrator" in your Start Menu to give you a DB2 Command Window that has administrator privileges (which is the recommended method). Alternatively if you are using a normal command window (cmd.exe), you would have to start it by right clicking "Command Prompt" and choosing "Run as Administrator".

It might be possible to use runas to execute db2pd, but it's probably easier to just start the command window directly with administrator privileges.