DB2 – What Does ‘Quiesce’ Mean?


I want to know what does "quiesce" in "db2 luw" means, how can I use it in linux and how it can affect the access to the tablespaces

I want to know how to tell whether or not a tablespace in a ddl was quiesced or not.

Best Answer

To Quiesce means to pause/alter an application/device to allow the application/device to achieve a consistent state.

In terms of DB2 the Quiesce command should force all the users off the specified database and should flush all the buffers to disk (been a while since I've used DB2).

While the database is a Quiesced mode there are users who can still access the database such as SYSADMIN and SYSMAINT.

There are several DB2 functions that can be used to determine the status of a table such db2tbst and MON_GET_TABLESPACE_QUIESCER