DB2 – Switching Context Between Two Instances from One Account


I have a server with two instances running on it (a dev environment) where we use one login to access either instance. I wanted to be able to switch context from one instance to the other without changing my .profile to reference the other instance's db2profile, logging out and back in. I wrote a script (iswap) to allow me to do that. Here's what it looks like:

  if [[ $DB2INSTANCE = "instance1" ]]
     . /usr/users/instance2/sqllib/db2profile
     echo "Switched context from instance1 to instance2"
  elif [[ $DB2INSTANCE = "instance2" ]]
     . /usr/users/instance1/sqllib/db2profile
     echo "Switched context from instance2 to instance1"

If I do a "db2 list db directory" after running iswap it shows me the databases in the new instance. If I echo $DB2INSTANCE it reflects the new instance. But, if I do a "db2 list applications" it still shows me the applications connected to the original instance. What am I not changing that I need to add to the script?

Best Answer

The list applications command requires an instance attachment, which is performed implicitly when you first run this command against "instance1". The CLP back-end process db2bp, which handles all server commands and SQL statements on behalf of the front-end program CLP db2, remains attached to the "old" instance after you switch the environment.

You need to end the back-end process by issuing the terminate command (db2 terminate), which will cause a new back-end process to spawn and attach to the new default instance, as specified by $DB2INSTANCE, next time it is required.