DB2 Spatial Loader – Error Handling When Importing Shape File


While I am trying to import a shapefile using db2se import_shape file utility,

db2se import_shape <dbname> -userId <userid> -pw <password> -fileName U:\ShapeFiles\ShapeFilesMarch2014\SubLimits\Africa_Criteria_Data\AF-CIV.shp -inputAttrColumns N(FIPS_CNTRY) -srsName WGS84_SRS_1003 -tableSchema GEXPDBA -tableName TPOLYGON_STAGING -tableAttrColumns VC_FLD_1 -createTableFlag 0 -spatialColumn POLYGON_OB -typeSchema db2gse -typeName st_multipolygon -messagesFile C:\AF-CIV.txt -client 1

GSE0206N  A SELECT statement failed.  SQLERROR = "SQL0805N  Package    "DB2GSE.GSEIEIMP 0X4141414141644459" was not found.  SQLSTATE=51002".

Any idea why this error happens? I tried in all forums and not able to debug it.

Best Answer

I used db2level to check the client version and found that the client version was the mismatch.

Not working client version
DB21085I  Instance "DB2" uses "32" bits and DB2 code release "SQL09070" with
level identifier "08010107". Informational tokens are "DB2 v9.7.0.441", "s090521", "NT3297", and Fix Pack "0".

Working Client version
DB21085I  Instance "DB2" uses "32" bits and DB2 code release "SQL09075" with
level identifier "08060107". Informational tokens are "DB2 v9.7.500.702", "s111017", "IP23286", and Fix Pack "5".