DB2 on Windows – Fix Encoding in db2cmd and JDBC


I'm running a DB2 v10.5 FP 7 on a Windows Server 2013 and there is a problem with the encoding setup:

The windows is set to use German(Switzerland) as region setting and input language.

chcp: Active code page: 850

My database is set to UTF-8, see this output from db2 get cfg

 Datenbankgebiet = CH
 Codepage für Datenbank = 1208
 Codierter Zeichensatz der Datenbank = UTF-8
 Landescode der Datenbank = 41
 Sortierfolge der Datenbank = SYSTEM_1252
 Alternative Sortierfolge (ALT_COLLATE)  = 

UTF-8 Strings with umlauts are stored correctly in the database (checked by looking at the effective hex-values). However on retrieval, they are mixed up:
db2 CLI output

The correct value would be '87100 – Überbauung Hinterroos'. Notice how also the default db2 output is shown as 'Sõtze' instead of 'Sätze'.

The incorrect output can also be reproduced by selecting the same rows via JDBC/Java.

IBM Documentation says this behaviour is linked to the DB2CODEPAGE registry variable, which is not set explicitly on the server.

Any ideas how to fix this?

EDIT: (More info as requested by @mao):

The windows default code page is 850 too.
In the registry, codepages are as follows:

  • ACP 1252
  • OEMCP 850
  • MACCP 10000

To make sure I'm not following any wrong leads, I verified the stored string in the table by SELECT HEX(DISPLAY_NAME)... which outputs


The letter with umlaut is 0xC39C which is CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIARESIS

Setting the DB2CODEPAGE variable to 1208 changes the output to a different wrong output:
CLI output 2

Best Answer

After opening a support case with IBM, they gave me the clue that lead to a solution:

-> Could you first right click in the title bar of the Command Window and take "Properties".

Is it using a TrueType font for displaying characters?

As it turns out, changing the font (wtf?) changes the display of said characters.

This is some specific behaviour for the DB2 CLI window: Opening a regular cmd with a non TrueType font works as expected.