DB2 – Resolving Long Delays Before Redirected Restore Starts


On several occasions, I noticed that it takes a long time before anything "happens" during a redirected restore. There are no entries in db2diag.log and list utilities show detailshows:

Completed Work             = 67129344 bytes

I assume this is because the filesystems differ between source and target machine, and that something has to be checked/prepared, but it is just my guess. Does anyone know what is happening during the delay?


db2 "values current_timestamp"


  1 record(s) selected.

db2 list utilities show detail

ID                               = 19820
Type                             = RESTORE
Database Name                    = ****
Member Number                    = 0
Description                      = db 
Start Time                       = 2018-02-20
State                            = Executing
Invocation Type                  = User
Progress Monitoring:
      Completed Work             = 67129344 bytes
      Start Time                 = 2018-02-20

Best Answer

Between the RESTORE DATABASE ... REDIRECT and the RESTORE DATABASE ... CONTINUE command, you will execute all of the SET TABLESPACE CONTAINER commands.

If your database resides on a filesystem that does not support fast file allocation (for example: AIX JFS2), then these SET TABLESPACE CONTAINER operations can take quite a long time if you have large containers – DB2 is formatting the tablespace containers.

When this is happening you'll see lots of I/O on your system, but no apparent activity on the database restore.